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Specialist Tongue-Tie Practitioner


A tongue-tie practitioner is a healthcare professional who is trained to diagnose and treat tongue-tie. Tongue-tie is a condition in which the frenulum, the thin tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth, is too short or thick. This can restrict the movement of the tongue and cause a variety of problems, including breastfeeding difficulties, speech delays, and dental problems.

Tongue-tie practitioners can be a variety of healthcare professionals, including:

  • Dentists
  • Doctors
  • Lactation consultants
  • Midwives
  • Nurses
  • Speech-language pathologists

To become a tongue-tie practitioner, healthcare professionals must complete specialized training in the diagnosis and treatment of tongue-tie. This training typically includes coursework on the anatomy and physiology of the tongue, the diagnosis of tongue-tie, and the various techniques for treating tongue-tie.

Tongue-tie practitioners can play an important role in the health and well-being of children and adults. By diagnosing and treating tongue-tie, they can help people overcome the challenges associated with this condition and improve their quality of life.

Here are some of the things that a tongue-tie practitioner may do:

  • Assess the frenulum to determine if it is too short or thick.
  • Diagnose tongue-tie and other conditions that can mimic tongue-tie, such as lip-tie and oral myofunctional disorder.
  • Counsel parents on the benefits and risks of tongue-tie release.
  • Perform a frenotomy, a simple procedure to release the frenulum.
  • Provide support and follow-up care to patients after a frenotomy.

If you are concerned that you or your child may have tongue-tie, it is important to see a qualified tongue-tie practitioner for assessment and treatment.

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